Friday, August 22, 2014

Saying Goodbye

Today was the day we boarded a plane and took our daughter away from the place she has known as home for the last 3.5 years.  The place full of familiar sights, smells and sounds.  The place where she was most likely born. 

It was a tough day for us.  Tough for many reasons.  Our sweet girl is grieving.  Her grief is real and it is hard.  We have no idea what she has experienced in her short life.  We do not know the trauma or the pain but we can see that it is there. 

It was tough because I knew her life was changing and would never be the same.  As our plane departed Wuhan, Little A cried because she did not want to wear her seat belt and Mama cried because my heart was breaking for my little girl, her birth family and her foster family.

We have said goodbye to Wuhan and are now in the final leg of our journey in Guangzhou.  At the end of this week we will say goodbye again as we leave China and begin our new adventure in the US.

I have never liked goodbyes and I am sure this one will be hard but I cannot wait to begin our life as a family of 4 at home.

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