Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Baby Steps

Baby steps!  We are making baby steps!

Jet lag is still hanging around the Cooley household but I think we are beginning to see a light at the end of the tunnel and a glimpse of the new normal or at least the temporary new normal, as I am sure things will be in a constant state of flux for a little while. 

Daniel returned to work today, the girls and I were up, showered, dressed and had breakfast by 10:30am (which is an absolute miracle in itself), we had a visit from a friend, lunch and now Little A is sleeping and E is having quiet time.  Ahhhh, it feels good!

Not only are we making baby steps in our schedule and return to routine but we are making baby steps in the areas of attachment and bonding.  Little A is now allowing Daniel to hold her, bathe her, help her, etc. and we often hear "Hi, BaBa" over and over again.  However, she also uses this new found love for Ba Ba to try and control situations and ignore Mama.  Baby steps people, baby steps.

Attachment and bonding is a tricky thing.  Just when you think things are going a certain direction they change.  It is not always easy to manage and sometimes it is just plain hard but we are thankful for little glimpses of growth.  The road before us is long and there are times it will most certainly leave us feeling weary but we will just continue to take baby steps, taking one day at a time sometimes one hour or even minute at a time.

2 weeks in our arms
September 1, 2014

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful thing baby steps are! I means there is movement, right? Praying for your "normal." :)
