Friday, September 27, 2013

Tiny Whispers

A year ago this month Daniel and I stepped out in faith and sent an application to Holt International in anticipation of adopting a little girl from China.  A year ago yesterday we were accepted to Holt's China program.  One year!  Reaching the one year mark of our journey has been a little hard but in recent days God has provided tiny, gentle whispers to my soul as we continue to await our referral.
We have been on the waiting family list 5 months now and to be honest I am feeling a little impatient.  I wake up each morning wondering if today will be the day we get "THE CALL!"  Will I answer the phone and hear "Hi Gloria, this is your referral call!"?  As I am out and about doing the daily tasks of life I hear a baby cry and I wonder if my little one is crying.  Is someone caring well for her?  Does she know she is loved?  I see a teenage girl in a restaurant and I wonder if our Sweet A will one day grow to look like her.  I play peek-a-boo with our friend's little one and dream of the day I will be able to play peek-a-boo with my own precious one.

But God is SO faithful.  It is in the hard moments He provides those tiny whispers.  The reminders that He's got this.  His timing is perfect and His grace is sufficient.  The reminder that Little A is not alone.  She has a Heavenly Father who loves her and knows everything about her.  It is the young lady I see in the restaurant, the little girl with a repaired cleft lip on the playground, the adoptive family at the zoo, the ladybug that lands on my window while I wait in the car pool line, the email advertisement from Asiana Airlines.  My Father has got this.  He whispers to me to trust Him, trust His timing, trust His will.

So thankful for the tiny whispers and so thankful that God is faithful!

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