Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Latest

I wish I had lots of exciting news to share today but we are still in the waiting stage.  We have now been on the waiting family list a little over 3 months.  This is possibly the halfway point of our wait on this list, possibly not.  There are so many unknowns in the adoption journey but we have such peace as we wait and encounter glimpses of God's hand all along the way.

We received our 797 approval a little over a week ago and are now diligently working to get our dossier authenticated and to our agency in a timely fashion.  Once our dossier makes it to Holt and they approve it, all of our paperwork will make its way around the world and begin the journey through Ch.na.

Just this morning I had a neat opportunity to share about our adoption journey with another mom at E's swimming lessons.  As we continue our wait I am thankful for opportunities to share our story and encourage others to consider adoption and orphan ministry.

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